I am still in a state of shock. The loss of Michael Jackson is... unbelievable. The ceremony today really touched me. I never knew him, i did not grow up when Michael was at his highest peek and I never considered him at one of my favorite artists... But i realized that he is the basis of every one in the industry that I admire. I wish i had the chance to meet you or see one of your concerts, but i was too young. and yet, Michael your death made me cry.
Michael- not only did you make your way through the toughest of publicity but you proved every pessimist and hater wrong. You dealed with unimaginable situations. You took in the storms and sent them away a beautiful breeze... You made this world a better place to live in. you are Music. There is no one like this King and there will never ever be another Michael. God, there is no better time to ask you to take a couple moments and welcome him into your kingdom... Bless him with everything you have because he has served you. Even if it was for a short time, he has served your purpose on Earth. What you sent your sons and daughters to do, Michael has done. He was united everyone together. Black or white, christian or muslim, rock and roll or pop. The opposites became the same. Thank you Michael... for everything you've brought with you and left behind . Thank you for leaving your legacy behind for us to admire and believe you have not left us. In body, Michael you are not present... but in spirit you are everywhere we look. People gathered together to celebrate your life. I miss you. They miss you. WE miss you. I write this not only as a tribute to you but a MY word and promise that i will never forget you and your music. I love you Michael. Continue to watch over us as we pass on stories and memories of what will always be the King of pop. Rest in heavenly peace.
You healed the world...